25 Pepatah Minang Tentang Musyawarah dan Mufakat

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Indonesia is known for its diverse cultures and traditions that are unique to each region. One of the most prominent cultures in Indonesia is the Minangkabau culture, which originated from the West Sumatra province. The Minangkabau people are known for their strong emphasis on musyawarah and mufakat, which means to discuss and agree upon a decision collectively. This culture is reflected in their daily lives, and even in their proverbs. In this article, we will discuss 25 pepatah Minang tentang musyawarah dan mufakat.

1. Bicaralah, agar tak salah

This proverb means that it is better to speak up and discuss things than to keep quiet and make a mistake. It emphasizes the importance of communication and dialogue to avoid misunderstandings and mistakes.

2. Berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing

This proverb means that when people work together, the burden becomes lighter. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork and cooperation in achieving a common goal.

3. Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh

This proverb means that when people are united, they are strong, but when they are divided, they are weak. It emphasizes the importance of unity and solidarity in facing challenges and achieving success.

4. Dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung

This proverb means that wherever we go, we should respect the local customs and traditions. It emphasizes the importance of adapting to different cultures and respecting diversity.

5. Kalau sudah jatuh, baru menangis

This proverb means that it is better to prevent problems before they occur, rather than to regret it later. It emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking preventive measures.

6. Hidup segan, mati tak mau

This proverb means that we should be respectful and humble in life, so that we will not be ashamed in death. It emphasizes the importance of living a virtuous life and leaving a good legacy.

7. Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik hujan batu di negeri sendiri

This proverb means that it is better to face difficulties in one’s own homeland, rather than to enjoy comfort in a foreign land. It emphasizes the importance of loyalty and patriotism towards one’s own country.

8. Jangan dijauhi yang baik, baik dijaga yang jahat

This proverb means that we should not distance ourselves from good people, but rather protect ourselves from bad people. It emphasizes the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive influences.

9. Kain yang diukur, panjangnya pas

This proverb means that when we measure something carefully, the result will be accurate. It emphasizes the importance of being meticulous and diligent in our work.

10. Kasih ibu sepanjang jalan, kasih anak sepanjang galah

This proverb means that a mother’s love is boundless, while a child’s love is limited. It emphasizes the importance of appreciating and valuing our parents’ love and sacrifice.

11. Kebajikan yang terlambat, masih lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali

This proverb means that it is never too late to do good, and it is better to do it late than not at all. It emphasizes the importance of doing good deeds, even if it is belated.

12. Lebih baik berkawan dengan buaya dalam air, daripada berkawan dengan manusia jahat

This proverb means that it is better to be friends with a crocodile in the water, than to be friends with a wicked person. It emphasizes the importance of choosing our friends wisely and avoiding bad influences.

13. Lupa daratan

This proverb means that we should not forget our roots and where we come from. It emphasizes the importance of remembering our heritage and culture.

14. Menabur yang baik, akan menuai yang baik juga

This proverb means that if we do good, good things will come to us too. It emphasizes the importance of doing good deeds and having a positive attitude.

15. Mengharapkan yang sempurna, akan membuat kita kecewa

This proverb means that if we expect perfection, we will only be disappointed. It emphasizes the importance of having realistic expectations and being grateful for what we have.

16. Mengayuh sampan, bersama-sama sampai ke muara

This proverb means that if we row a boat together, we will reach the estuary together. It emphasizes the importance of cooperation and teamwork in achieving a common goal.

17. Mencari ilmu sampai ke negeri Cina

This proverb means that we should seek knowledge as far as China. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement.

18. Mengejar bayang-bayang, akhirnya hanya menangkap angin

This proverb means that if we chase shadows, we will only catch the wind. It emphasizes the importance of being realistic and focusing on achievable goals.

19. Menggali sumur, biar lambat asal selamat

This proverb means that it is better to be slow but safe, than to be fast but reckless. It emphasizes the importance of being cautious and careful in our actions.

20. Musuh dalam selimut

This proverb means that sometimes our enemies are within our closest circle. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of our surroundings and not trusting blindly.

21. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur

This proverb means that once something is done, it cannot be undone. It emphasizes the importance of being careful and thoughtful in our actions, as we cannot take them back.

22. Padi sudah menjadi nasi

This proverb means that once something is accomplished, it cannot be undone. It emphasizes the importance of being persistent and persevering in our endeavors.

23. Sabarlah menanti, keajaiban akan terjadi

This proverb means that if we are patient, miracles will happen. It emphasizes the importance of having faith and being patient in difficult times.

24. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga

This proverb means that no matter how skilled we are, we will eventually make mistakes. It emphasizes the importance of being humble and learning from our mistakes.

25. Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi

This proverb means that if we have no other choice, we have to make do with what we have. It emphasizes the importance of being resourceful and adaptable in difficult situations.

In conclusion, the Minangkabau culture places great importance on musyawarah and mufakat, which reflects in their proverbs. These proverbs teach us valuable lessons on teamwork, communication, respect, and perseverance. By applying these values in our daily lives, we can become better individuals and contribute to a better society.

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