Elang Jawa: The Endangered Javan Hawk Eagle

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Elang Jawa, also known as the Javan Hawk Eagle, is a bird of prey that is native to Indonesia. It is a majestic and powerful bird that has been listed as endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Elang Jawa is a large bird with a wingspan of up to 150 cm and a length of up to 70 cm. It has a distinctive black and white plumage, with a prominent crest on its head. The eyes of the Elang Jawa are a striking golden color, and it has powerful talons that it uses to catch its prey.

The Elang Jawa is a solitary bird, and it is known for its remarkable speed and agility. It is a skilled hunter, and it feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, reptiles, and birds.

Habitat and Distribution

The Elang Jawa is found only in Java, Indonesia, and it is typically found in forested areas and mountainous regions. However, due to deforestation and habitat loss, the Elang Jawa’s habitat is rapidly decreasing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for the bird to survive in the wild.

There are only a few hundred Elang Jawa left in the wild, and conservation efforts are underway to protect this endangered species. These efforts include habitat restoration, captive breeding programs, and education programs to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the Elang Jawa and its habitat.

Threats to the Elang Jawa

The Elang Jawa is facing a number of threats, including habitat loss, hunting, and the illegal pet trade. Deforestation is one of the biggest threats to the Elang Jawa, as it destroys the bird’s habitat and reduces the availability of prey.

Hunting is another major threat to the Elang Jawa, as the bird is often targeted by hunters for its feathers and body parts, which are used in traditional medicine and as decorative items.

The illegal pet trade is also a significant threat to the Elang Jawa, as the bird is highly prized by collectors and enthusiasts. This has led to a decrease in the wild population, as birds are often taken from the wild and sold on the black market.

Conservation Efforts

There are several conservation efforts underway to protect the Elang Jawa and its habitat. These efforts include habitat restoration, captive breeding programs, and education programs to raise awareness about the importance of conservation.

Habitat restoration involves planting trees and restoring degraded areas in order to create new habitats for the Elang Jawa. This can help to increase the bird’s population and improve its chances of survival in the wild.

Captive breeding programs are also being used to help increase the population of the Elang Jawa. Birds are bred in captivity and then released into the wild in order to increase the wild population.

Education programs are being used to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and to encourage people to take action to protect the Elang Jawa and its habitat. These programs include school programs, community outreach programs, and public awareness campaigns.


The Elang Jawa is a magnificent bird that is facing numerous threats to its survival. Habitat loss, hunting, and the illegal pet trade are all contributing to the decline of this endangered species. However, there are conservation efforts underway to protect the Elang Jawa and its habitat, and these efforts give hope for the future of this remarkable bird.

We must all do our part to protect the Elang Jawa and its habitat, and to ensure that this bird continues to soar in the skies of Indonesia for generations to come.

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