Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia (Prinia flaviventris): The Chirping Songbird of Indonesia

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Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia (Prinia flaviventris) is a small, active bird species that belongs to the family of Cisticolidae. This bird is commonly found in the wetlands, marshes, and rice fields of Indonesia. The perenjak rawa is a lively bird that is known for its high-pitched chirping. It is a delightful sight to see these birds hopping and flitting through the reeds and grass of their habitat.

The Appearance of Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia

The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a tiny bird that measures 11.5-12.5 cm in length and weighs only about 7-10 grams. The upper parts of the bird are brownish-olive, and the underparts are yellow. The tail is long and graduated, and the bill is short and pointed. The bird’s eyes are large and dark, and the legs are pinkish-brown.

The male and female birds look alike, but the male may have a slightly brighter yellow belly than the female. The juvenile birds have a duller color and lack the yellow belly.

The Habitat of Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia

The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a common bird species in the wetlands, marshes, and rice fields of Indonesia. This bird prefers to live in areas with tall grass, reeds, and shrubs, where it can hide and forage for food. It is also found in the open fields, gardens, and parks.

The bird is well adapted to its habitat, and it can be seen hopping and flitting through the dense vegetation. The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a non-migratory bird species, and it does not move from its habitat unless it is disturbed.

The Diet of Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia

The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is an insectivorous bird species. It feeds on small insects, spiders, and their larvae. The bird forages for food by hopping on the ground or through the vegetation. It also catches insects on the wing.

The bird’s sharp, pointed bill is ideal for capturing insects, and it can also be used to probe for insects in the vegetation. The bird is active during the day, and it spends most of its time foraging for food.

The Breeding of Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia

The breeding season for Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is from May to August. During this time, the male bird performs a courtship display to attract the female. The male bird sings a melodious song and flits through the vegetation to attract the female.

Once the pair has bonded, they build a small cup-shaped nest in the tall grass or shrubs. The nest is made of grass, leaves, and other plant materials. The female lays 2-5 eggs, and both the male and female take turns incubating the eggs. The eggs hatch after 11-13 days, and the chicks fledge after 12-14 days.

The Conservation Status of Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia

The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a common bird species in Indonesia. However, the destruction of wetlands, marshes, and rice fields is a threat to the bird’s habitat. The bird is also hunted for its meat and feathers by the local people. The conservation status of the Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is of least concern, but it needs to be monitored to ensure its survival in the wild.


The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a delightful songbird that is found in the wetlands, marshes, and rice fields of Indonesia. This tiny bird is known for its high-pitched chirping, and it is a joy to watch as it hops and flits through the dense vegetation. The bird is well adapted to its habitat, and it feeds on small insects and their larvae. The Perenjak Rawa Yellow-Bellied Prinia is a non-migratory bird species, and it breeds from May to August. The conservation status of the bird is of least concern, but it needs to be monitored to ensure its survival in the wild.

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