Tledekan Bakau Mangrove Blue Flycatcher (Cyornis rufigastra)

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Tledekan Bakau is a small bird that can be found in mangrove forests in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. It is also known as the Mangrove Blue Flycatcher, and its scientific name is Cyornis rufigastra. This bird is known for its beautiful blue color and is a favorite among birdwatchers.


The Tledekan Bakau is a small bird, only measuring about 12 centimeters in length. It has a bright blue head, back, and tail, with a white belly and chest. The wings are black, and there is a distinctive white patch on the wings. The beak is short and black, and the eyes are large and dark.

Male and female Tledekan Bakau have similar coloring, but the male has a brighter blue color, especially on the head. Juvenile birds have a duller color, with brownish-gray feathers on the head and back.

Habitat and Distribution

Tledekan Bakau is a bird that is found in mangrove forests in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines. It prefers to live near the coast, where there are plenty of mangrove trees and other vegetation.

Mangroves are important habitats for many animals, including birds, because they provide food and shelter. Tledekan Bakau feeds on insects, which it catches by flying out from a perch and then returning to the same spot. It also eats berries and other small fruits.


Tledekan Bakau is a shy bird that is often difficult to see, even in areas where it is common. It is most active in the early morning and late afternoon, when it is cooler and there is less activity in the forest. It is also more vocal during these times, and its distinctive call can be heard throughout the mangrove forest.

Like many small birds, Tledekan Bakau is very territorial and will defend its territory against other birds. It is also monogamous, meaning that it mates with only one partner for life.

Threats and Conservation

Like many birds that live in mangrove forests, Tledekan Bakau is threatened by habitat loss. Mangrove forests are often cleared for development, agriculture, and aquaculture, which leaves fewer places for the bird to live and breed.

Another threat to Tledekan Bakau is pollution. Mangrove forests are often located near industrial areas and urban centers, which can lead to pollution of the water and air.

Despite these threats, there are efforts underway to conserve Tledekan Bakau and other birds that live in mangrove forests. Many organizations are working to protect and restore these important habitats, and to raise awareness about the importance of conserving biodiversity.


Tledekan Bakau is a beautiful and unique bird that is found in mangrove forests in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. It is known for its bright blue color and distinctive call, and is a favorite among birdwatchers. However, like many birds that live in mangrove forests, it is threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Conservation efforts are needed to protect this important species and the habitats in which it lives.

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